Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Home Work!

Greetings All!

Yes, I know it's been a while (almost a month!)... however, I'm determined not to let this blog slip into the shadowy abyss of neglect of which many first-time blogs die a slow, lonely death. I've had a whirlwind month, that's included moving, almost moving, packing to move again, house hunting, and, by far not in the least, witnessing the birth of another daughter! I've been in a completely different rhythm for writing, so I haven't been bringing you the thoughtful examinations of the music of our lives, and the effects of musical vibration on our psyche, as well as the latest musical developments and appreciations of musical classics. Well... that time is coming to an end. My life is still slightly less-than-stable and in-transition, however I'll be writing shorter articles to keep the process going.

For now, I'm giving you all some homework. These are a few of the songs/albums I've been listening to and enjoying. I've wanted to write about them... and I will. So, the homework is for you to check out these artists and their works...

1.  April Chase - In the Midst of Sirens EP & Still Breathing EP

2.  Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely

3.  Earth, Wind & Fire - You

4.  Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio

5.  Chuck Brown - We Got This

These are the next selections I'm going to be posting articles on... and in this order (unless something else comes up to change that). So, sit back and listen to these tracks from our collective soundtrack, and I'll have the next article up in a short while.

Thanks for reading and keep returning, because there's more where that came from!