Friday, November 28, 2014

The Divine Elevation of God

A week ago, I witnessed, and participated in, the birth of my son. We had music playing throughout my wife's whole labor and delivery. Shortly afterward, I held him in my arms and rocked him... a song was playing at the time that struck me and impressed itself into my memory of the blessed event. This song was New York to Cali. 

I have been working on this since the weekend, as the song has been in my head since last Friday. I see that it is no coincidence that time has proceeded as it has, as now is the perfect time to write this. During this tumultuous time of the Ferguson verdict fallout, this is something to which we should lend our attention.

Why this song? Well, the meaning of one of my son's names is "Breath of God", which I initially thought about from the standpoint of breath as we know it, however it occurred to me that Light itself is also the breath of god. In this song, we witness Rakim, the God MC, also known as Ra, transform into a metaphoric manifestation of the aspect of the Creator, known in ancient Kemet as Ra. What does this have to do with the recent events of today? Well this masterful piece of rhythmic American poetry is so well crafted, that the alchemy of the lyrics will likely elude even the most astute listener. This is more than a song. This is a spell for self-transmutation into one's light body. What may appear as Rakim simply rapping about his ability to rap and entertain crowds nationwide (a simple repetitive style that has been in existence since the beginning of Hip-Hop), however this is much more. Rakim Allah (as he is also known) is an enlightened individual, who has the knowledge that we are god - fractions/mirror images of the Creator. We are energy. This energy that is the true person within the bodies that we wear is, essentially, light - or that which produces that light. With this in mind, many of the lyrics that Rakim writes, particularly from the first person, are written with the listener in mind, so as they too recite the song, they reinforce their own positive self images. This song is no different, yet it goes a step further.

To understand what is happening with this song, you will need a basic understanding of (or at least familiarity with) the Kemetic "God" Ra. The Gods & Godesses (Neteru) of Kemet (Ancient Egypt) are aspects of the Creator. Since the Creator is ALL... the animating life force in ALL (the All in All), it is too broad to comprehend. The Kemetians studied the Creator/Nature through the use of stories, where the various Neteru would live out various scenarios, which can still be seen in life today, if one has understanding of the stories. The stories are really lessons, allowing us to slowly know the "unknowable". Ra is one of the most powerful Neters in the Kemetic history. He represents the Sun, and is said to travel across the sky in a boat, daily, as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. There are many stories to go along with this, which can be investigated elsewhere. What is important for us is the idea of this boat ride and what takes place while it is in motion. This is the heart of the song.

Rakim subtly, and seamlessly, uses himself as a metaphor in the place of Ra, which can be seen as the Light and Energy from the Sun, which can be seen as the perfect attainment of our Enlightenment; this is out Light Body. (The Sun is a Body of Light.) As one recites it with Rakim, so too does this apply to the participant. Everything in the song speaks to a heightened state of elevation and beneficence. Rakim transforms into the Sun, giving light and life to all. This is speaking to the soul of the listener... or rather the reciter. The word play interlaces the Godly, the metaphysical, and the mundane in a way that it can touch your soul and seep in to you... to affect you... to change you... or rather, to assist you in changing and elevating yourself. We all are gods - aspects of Creator. We are the All in All having a Human experience called "you" (enter your name here). There are things we need to experience, see, do, say, hear, etc. to awaken and fully realize our potential as reflections of Creator. This song places one in that mode of thinking - from a subconscious conversation... this is why the song is so brilliant. No wonder Rakim is considered the God MC.

The specific version I am speaking of is the one produced by DJ Clark Kent. This features a sample from the S.O.S. Band's "Tell Me, If You Still Care". The sound is smooth and supple (even referenced in the lyrics). There is another rougher version produced by Dominic Owen (more reminiscent of nighttime - also referred to in the lyrics), which is also very captivating. The Clark Kent version is the superior of the two (in my opinion) due to the sound and the sample. And it serves as an answer to the hidden question contained in the origin of the sample itself ("Tell me, do you still care about me?"). Look at this as a conversation with the Creator. "Of course I still care. I show up every day and provide you with another opportunity to rise up with and become ME." Although the question is not directly asked within the lyrics of the song, it is implied by the use of the sample.

The combination of the lyrics, delivery and sound of the song combine perfectly to be something that can be listened to, studied and enjoyed. This is indeed one of Rakim's many classics and it is ashamed that it never received wide release. Take a listen for yourself, and allow yourself to go on this journey with Ra, as Ra. Hopefully you'll be able to experience the uplifting sense of elevation... and rise above the chaos of the world today. At the very least, you will experience one of the best, smoothest songs of the best MC to touch the mic. either way, I'm quite sure you will be satisfied.

For those who are interested in further study of this masterwork, I have provided a detailed decoding of New York to Cali below.

New York to Cali, by Rakim

New York to Cali, by Rakim - Decoded...
(My translations are written underneath the verses, in red.)

Word 'em up.
Ay, yo, turn the bass up a lil' bit, G.
Yeah, yeah.
(Rakim! Make 'em clap to this.) (X2)
Yo, check it out...
(First is the Word... then the great mound rises out of the primordial waters of chaos... then creation begins. When you clap, you "create" sound... sound/vibration is the essence of all the physical universe.)

I come again, fun'll begin, when the drummer come in. Synonyms don't want to end. Rakim's gonna win. Always seem to come out at the right time with the right rhyme. Smooth in the day and sound rough at night time.
(This is the rising of the Sun, Ra in the form of Khepri; the dawn - again, because this process is eternal. The sun brings life, so the fun'll begin when the day begins, as the Sun rises. Life is an eternal process; there is no beginning and there is no end. We are fractions of, or reflections of, the Creator, so we are the synonyms -  we are eternal, at our essence. The Creator is always the winner, because All is All. The Creator is always there, at the "right time" with whatever we need. Also the Sun always returns everyday, at the right time - not necessarily the same as yesterday, but always when it is the right time for each specific day. The Day light from the Sun is healthy (smooth) and good for us - especially original melanated people. Artificial "Night" lights are unhealthy for us, and are rough on our system.)

Just an echo, in every ghetto, meadow and valley, side-street and alley, from New York to Cali. I've been seen in every state, and between, on stage. They scream every phrase, I leave the city in a rage.
(Once the Sun rises, light floods the planet. Even if not direct Sunlight, the indirect light of the Sun (echos) reflects and refracts and transmits light/life everywhere. Of course, the Sun brings light from East to West - New York to California - due to the rotation of the planet. Everyone sees and feels the effects of the Sun's light and energy, as the planet turns to face the Sun. When the sun comes, everyone is filled with light/life and nature is animated. People begin to move around... the cities come alive. Also, the Sun/Light is seen in "every state" - every state of being, mind, expression, growth, development, etc. - which is the reason for the various states of the aspect of the Sun - Khepri (the dawn/early morning), Ra (midday), Khnum (afternoon), Atum (evening/twilight), Amun (nighttime - the hidden/unseen Sun) - as it relates to the Kemetic understanding of the Creator.)

It's off to the next one to bless one; that's my procedure. Leave ya in a deeper mind state than anesthesia. You'll catch a seizure if you try to stop the great, when I operate. Just let "The Crowd-Pleaser" drop the weight.
(The Sun, Ra in his Sun Barge, keeps moving through the sky, across the country from the East to the West. The light from the Sun is healthy for us. Also, being that we are light beings, and light is a primary source of how information is transferred. When this "light" or enlightenment is pursued, a person is said to be "deep". The depth of their wisdom is a function of how deep they have allowed light to penetrate into their light body. This process, and the effects of the process of life's perpetuation, cannot be stopped - hence, you'll catch a seizure if you try... meaning you will stop before the Sun (Ra) stops. Therefore it is best to allow the Sun to shine light and to accept this light, as it will inform you, from a spiritual, and even physical level - informing the DNA in your cells, thus making you "heavy" and "light" at the same time.)

This one is in gear, inform everyone from here to there. Ideas that you hear; severe to the ear. Never the less, I provide a world-wide request, and manifest. And this is from the East to the West....
(This day has begun, already. Inform everyone... "Share light"... This is a call to participate in the shining of light, like the Sun, like Ra, like Creator. This is why there is naturally more activity during the daytime. People are naturally motivated to take part in this process of energy/information transfer. The ideas that you hear from the Creator (whether in your own mind, via intuition or "the voice of God", meditation, or from external means, such as other people or synchronistic events) are vitally important, and they make an impact on you; so when you hear something important, it stays on your mind. No matter what, regardless of any circumstances, the Sun shines light to everyone, providing and perpetuating life. This is the natural request of all living things... to receive the energy necessary for life - to manifest more life. And, of course, this is from the East to the West.)

From New York to Cali (to Cali.) (X2)
Coast to coast, I've been rippin' coliseums and clubs.
From New York to Cali (to Cali)
Rhymin' over dubs for thugs,
girls blow me kisses and throw me hugs.
(Ra moves across the sky, visiting everyone with his light, from East to West (New York to Cali). Instead of "rippin", replace with "ripen"... meaning to bring the process of life, known as "growth" to its fullness, so that the next aspect of the Creator can begin expressing it's portion of life/creation. This happens throughout all venues, for all levels of life. This especially impresses itself on the female principle found in creation, as these expressions are responsible for the creative aspect of life. Therefore, the girls blow kisses and throw hugs, in pursuit of the male aspect of life, which is responsible for the activation of creation.)

Musical rides, I've memorized in my mental enterprise. Then improvise live with my supplies. You know the quota. Fashion new designs, and shine, the international kind, start to rhyme, time to motor.
(This ride across the sky, Ra has performed for ages. It is memorized. Not just by Ra/the Sun/Creator, it is in each of our our cellular/DNA/ancestral memories. This process of the perpetual expression of life is systematically ingrained in us all, yet each day is a new day, different from all others - "improvised". We improvise/live each day according to the "supplies" of light/knowledge that we have accumulated/assimilated throughout our individual journeys through this lifetime. You know what is your purpose for each lifetime (once you have elevated enough through enlightenment, to connect with your higher self and understand what your life lessons, path and purpose is to be for this time around), this is your "quota", so you fashion/make new ways to bring this potential/purpose that is inside of you out to life. When you manifest your potential, you are shining your light. Once you have accomplished on goal, you move on to the next one; time to "motivate"/"motor" - two meanings. You move one to the next operation and also motivate others from seeing/experiencing what you have manifested.)

UniverSoul format. Adapt to wherever ya livin' at. From all four corners of the map. Whenever they play it, it gets interpretated, Hip-Hop related. Already dedicated to keep it heavy, populated.
(This is the Universal format of our Souls. This is how we are designed/manifested from Creator. Life adapts. Light adapts and floods everything. Life/light radiates outward omnidirectionally ("all four corners of the map"). Wherever light is received and accepted, life is produced and light is reinterpreted (each life form has a different light signature/vibration frequency). It is all related to the same culture of life - the Creator's way of life (labeled here as "Hop-Hop) - which is dedicated to the perpetuation of life/creation... "heavy populated".)

Attract everybody that could rock. Do a block party, make it look like Woodstock. (Yeah, Rakim Allah.)
Nothin's similar, to my seminar, they travel near or far, plus that's where the woman are.
(Light attracts everything that has light/life in it, and animates that which answers the call. Whatever resonates with the vibration of that which is shinning light, will receive this information and express it. Life becomes a "block party". Notice, block parties and Woodstock occur outside, in the light of the Sun.)

I like to ask 'em, "What's the best time to hear me rhyme?" (Anytime, anytime...)
Never the less, I provide a world-wide request, and manifest.
And this is from the East to the West...
(The Creator/Ra/the Sun/Light is always communicating with us. What is the best time to receive a "rhyme" (light/information) from the Creator? Anytime. This opportunity is provided to all. No matter what, regardless of any circumstances, the Sun shines light to everyone, providing and perpetuating life... from the East to the West.)

From New York to Cali (to Cali.) (X2)
Coast to coast, I've been rippin' coliseums and clubs.
From New York to Cali (to Cali)
Rhymin' over dubs for thugs,
girls blow me kisses and throw me hugs.
(see above)

Coast to coast, I've been rippin' coliseums and clubs.
Rhymin' over dubs for thugs, girls blow me kisses and throw me hugs.
An expert at a concert on stage. I got classics (soul, soul, soul...), which means my smash hits won't age.
(Ra moves across the sky, visiting everyone with his light, from East to West (New York to Cali). Instead of "rippin", replace with "ripen"... (see above) An expert on stage... All of life is a stage - we are living out scenarios, as aspects of the Creator having a holographic experience called "you". Also life occurs in "stages", over the course of this lifetime, and over the course of lifetimes. Hence, we each have "classics" (past lives), which is signified by the echoing of the sample "soul, soul, soul". This is very significant: to understand that the true essence of each of us does not age. As fractions of the Source Energy (Creator), we are timeless and infinite.)

Ya sing along! I'll bring a song, I'll be swingin' long, we can do a thang till dawn, I came to bring it on. On tour, stop at all the record stores across the nation. Flow at the radio station to show appreciation.
(This is a call to participate in life. Sing along with the Sun/Ra/Rakim... This is important, because is represents the receiving of light/life/energy from the Sun. It also represents the sound, or "song", of the Sun. The Sun emits a sound vibration that permeates everything, and when we are "in tune" with this sound vibration/song, we "sing along" to the song/information that Ra/Creator brings via the Sun. This continues to happen, and is available, all day. This is the purpose of the Sun; to motivate us to continue living life. Even when you don't see the physical Sun (darkness/night time/ underground) you still see the evidence and reflections of the Sun's light through other forms of life and that which these other life forms produce (like the music you hear from the radio station at night - even though you are not receiving direct light from the Sun, you receive that vibrations of life/light through the song). This whole process is one of "appreciation", meaning the value of life is continuously added to.)

Which reached for the streets, beats for the Jeeps. I reach incredible feats to get deep for my peep's. Props for the unorthodox style I got, they couldn't wait for me to drop new stock for the block.
(Life stretches out to reach all places, via all methods. Nothing is impossible for the Creator. The same is true for anyone who places himself/herself in tune with the Creator - to become a walking manifestation of Creator (God/Goddess). This "deep" knowledge is freely available for the original people of the Creator, because we a a part of nature. This is in us. This expression of life, to this high degree, is now "unorthodox", because people are no longer taught that this is a regular part of life or is even attainable. Those who understand are always looking to learn more "new stock", and add on to their understanding and ability to express light.)

Stalk kid's cassette decks, Walkman headsets. I come on, fly concepts that's high-tech. My first displays still converse with the days and slam, that's why the man's first jam still plays.
(Ra is constantly moving through the sky (of our mind) and growing and elevating to new ways of communicating with us through intelligent/enlightened expression via music, creativity, technology. This has been happening since the beginning of our time on this planet. The original  process of creation is repeated and updated everyday... it informs and "converses" with the current expression of life. That's why we always refer back to some form of spiritual awareness.)

So tell the neighborhood's I got the goods again.
It's Rakim... Then again, that's how it should've been.
(This is another call to join in and elevate. Participate in this elevation and become Ra, yourself. Express the light of the Creator, with everyone in your sphere (neighborhood) and point them towards mental and spiritual elevation. This is the meaning of "I got the goods, again". We have tried the route of traveling without the divine light of inspiration... that is proven to not work. It's time to elevate to the level of the divine expression of light/life - God/Goddess. This is the way that it should have always been.)

Never the less, I provide a world-wide request, and manifest.
And this from the East to the West...
(Regardless of what happens, this opportunity is always available and being expressed. "I provide..." signifies that the reciter of this rhyme/chant/spell is in harmony with being the embodiment of said light/opportunity to shine and add light/life to others... in motion... from the East to the West - all the time, everywhere.)

From New York to Cali (to Cali.) (X3)
Coast to coast, I've been rippin' coliseums and clubs.
From New York to Cali (to Cali)
Rhymin' over dubs for thugs,
girls blow me kisses and throw me hugs.
(see above)

It is my will that this provides insight and inspiration.

This is a lesson, if you're guessin' and if you're borrowing...
(I always wanted to say that!)  :)

Until next time, remember All of Life is Sound. Keep Listening.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Déjà Vu, All Over Again...

Here we are again...

This will be short.

The verdict handed down last night (however predictable it may have been) has sparked a wave of anger and reflection. As a swirl of thoughts and contemplation of the proper way to navigate out of this miserable condition that we as a people are in, preoccupies many of our people, I found that two songs keep playing in my mind... and eventually on the car stereo.

We Had to Tear This Mothafucka Up and When Will They Shoot?, both by Ice Cube, from his third solo album The Predator. The power, urgency, delivery, and portrait of the spark of full on revolution (if not urban insurrection) pour out of these tracks - especially when listened to in that order. I literally had flashbacks watching the news coverage of the initial reactions from the crowd in Ferguson, Missouri. these are two of Ice Cube's best songs (although not among the most recognized, as they received no airplay) and they embody the spirit of what we, as a people, are feeling (and have been feeling). This is not a call to violence... however for those that have already been moved to such expression... I understand. Listen to the lyrics for yourself. Like it or not, this is part of our collective life and reality... and these songs are part of the soundtrack. 

We Had to Tear This Mothafucka Up, by Ice Cube

When Will They Shoot?, by Ice Cube

Until next time, remember... All of Life is Sound... even when it's unsettling... Keep Listening

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

From the Darkness Comes the Light

For the last week and a half, I've been listening to an album that I only recently found out about...  a wonderful odyssey into the salvation of Hip-Hop.

Walk With Me - The Black Dot

I've been aware of The Black Dot as a teacher in the conscious community and as author of the book Hip-Hop Decoded. It was while watching one of his videos, I noticed that he was performing a song that I found very intriguing. I was moved to look for the album on iTunes. Once I found it and listened, I was thoroughly pleased because this is as satisfying of a listen as I've heard in many years.

Walk With Me begins with a surprise intro by the God MC, Rakim. This clip from an interview of Rakim has him explaining the cause of the current state of Hip-Hop. This serves as the perfect introduction for The Black Dot. Dot's rhymes, flow, content and musical soundscapes clearly aim to not only pump life back into Hip-Hop, but to also to return it to its rightful position as the universal community classroom. Black Dot succeeds. Starting with 40's the New 40, Dot rattles off a succession of songs designed to cause the listener to think and evaluate life's issues and redefine the place of Black people in Life and Hip-Hop in world  culture. Black Dot uses this album as a platform to teach about hidden history, culture and perseverance. The music is engaging and rooted in original Hip-Hop style, with emphases on samples of  soul, jazz and R&B music. That's not to say, its a relic, because the only song sounding "old" is a deliberate throw back (I'm So 88), which successfully captures the style of late 80s New York.

This album had me listening on repeat all day... for several days. If you're interested in listening to independent Hip-Hop that explores and exposes you to elevated perspectives of life and reality and tales of surviving today's hellish environment, then I highly recommend Walk With Me to you. In the spirit of keeping this short I haven't mentioned many great songs, like Order & Chaos, I Used to Love H.E.R. Too, I Just Can't  Understand, and We Ain't Movin' (Remix).

H.E.Y.R.O.O. - This is a catchy song reminding us about our divinity. 
Chicken Soup -  This is the song that first caught my ear, and it remains one of my favorites. This is a beautiful examination of salvaging the Black family, via hitting the reset button on how we see each other and how we see our women and start our relationships.
Walk With Me - The title track is a soul-induced, autobiographical walk through Black Dot's life and is used as an effective lesson on strength and perseverance, not to mention the importance of  spirituality and faith in the unseen.
Now Eye Know - The Jewel of the Album! This song begins slowly, then fires off into one of the best lyrical performances in the 21st century. Sweet lyrics and elevated, wide awake content... just perfect.

Take a look and listen to Now Eye Know...

If you're interested in seeing Black Dot teaching in one of his lectures, check this out...

  Until next time, Remember All of Life is Sound... Keep Listening.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mary, Mary

This week has been busy... and throughout the entire week I have had the pleasure of spending it with Queen Mary J. Blige. This year has seen the release of two great albums from Mary, Think Like a Man Too and The London Sessions.

First up, Think Like a Man Too. This is a great album, that finds Mary mature and confident. It's a fantastically easy listen, that flows well. We are treated to a good collection of "Happy Mary", which is always a joy to behold and serves as a stable for anyone's "uplifting music diet". There's only one thing that holds this album back from being a classic. The fact that it's meant to be a soundtrack (for one of the best, funniest movies of the year, no less), but the music is not really featured in the movie (and in fact, the movie features many songs from other artists which are not on this album), makes it feel awkward. This was a real missed opportunity. Either the movie producers should have used all the songs in the movie (like Spike Lee is known to do) or Mary should have named the album differently. In my opinion, this would have served her catalog better, had it been named  Vegas Nights, Moments of Love, or The Vegas Sessions (with new cover art, of course). Still in all, this has some of Mary's best songs in years (she is indeed getting her "Diana Ross on"!) and should be on everyone's playlist. 

Stand outs:
Vegas Nights (Feat. The-Dream) - This song is the perfect going out song!
Moment of Love - The Jewel of the album. Grown-folks R&B dance music at its best.
Wonderful - If Moment of Love is the Jewel of the album, this is the Ring that holds it. Hip-Hop Mary returns, triumphantly!
Propose - This is the most loving song in the set. It's a perfect wedding song, and for anyone who has experienced true love, this song could easily play all day on repeat. It is filled with love, and fills the listener with that love.

Next we have The London Sessions. When I played this album, earlier in the week, I couldn't stop playing it! Quite simply, this is the best Mary J. Blige album since Breakthrough (and arguably period). At a lithe 12 tracks, featuring song sequencing that tells a story, she has crafted a perfect non-stop, play-every-track, keep-it-on-repeat Banger! Mary has always been known as the "Queen of Hip-Hop Soul" and with this album she stakes her claim on the territories of Dance and Pop.... all this without compromising her self or sound. This is Mary... grown up! I could easily write a play-by-play about every song, but I am committing to shorter articles (and this is already running long). So suffice it to say, this is hands down: the best the Mary has ever sounded - on ANY of her albums. The vocal performances that she records are simply classic... priceless. The songs are beautifully orchestrated and paint vibrant sonic pictures for the mind (this album will be able to take you places, mentally). The genius of this album is that its so well constructed that it will appeal to everyone who loves and appreciates great music. This is the only reason I would even consider it in the Pop arena. Mary starts off heavily in her Soul music zone... and believe me when I tell you she's in the zone! Mary turns in a few songs that are near A Capella (Not Loving You, When You're Gone, Worth My Time) with little more than piano accompaniment, that are brilliant. The album really takes off into classic territory, once she shifts gears into a form of dance music that is informed by her Hip-Hop/Soul/R&B background. This is perfectly executed music. The production of these songs perfectly match Mary, allowing her to stretch out and explore... and Master new sounds. 

Mary reminds me a great deal of the Kemetic Goddess Ma'at. Her ability to represent the balance in us through her music (happy/sad, slow/fast, rough/refined, hurt/cherished, etc.) This can be seen in her whole body of work, and with this album, she achieves perfect balance. One more thing... I'll let you in on a secret. I've figured something out: Every time Mary puts out an album that features Black and White cover art, that album is one of her watershed points, where she grows as an artist and redefines herself. With each of these, she unveils a new facet not before seen. Check it out for yourself (What's the 411?, Mary, The Breakthrough, The London Sessions). I would be remiss if I didn't point out the fact that this album features Mary sharing wisdom in her songs... making this meaningful listening, not just delicious ear-candy. And one more thing... It's ALL Mary (no other featured vocalists, no rappers with guest verses... just the goddess).

Doubt - Beautiful. The heights of Be Happy with the reflection of MJB Da MVP. This is a lesson in how and why to let go of doubt. This is a portrait of Queen Mary, once she understands herself to be that. This is a prescription for success - take two and call me in the morning.
Right Now - Hip-Hop/Dance fusion. Genius, head-bobbing music for old school and new school B-Boys & Girls! Mary rides the groove and bring it to life. Perfect for dancing and driving.
My Love - The JEWEL of this classic album (which is saying a lot!)... perfect picture of new love unfolding... not to mention this is a perfect dance track. The immediacy of Mary's delivery draws the listener in... "nobody's gonna give ya a love as good as my love!" (True indeed.) The breakdowns and crescendos are also classic (think Real Love hyped up ten times).
Take a Long Hard Look - This is another of Mary's classes. Her delivery of this idea is alone worth the price of admission. If you have ever been in a true loving long term relationship (especially marriage), you will understand the magnificence of this song. Mary sings her heart out, and channels the spirit of Aretha Franklin, in doing. Lesson: never be so quick to throw away love... it's usually an unwise move.
Nobody But You - Another song illustrating the realization love's power. The sonic experience of this song is uplifting. It's almost gospel in scope... and the soundscape is aimed squarely at the heart. You will feel this and your heart will beat in sync with the dance rhythm, and your soul will sore with Mary's vocals.

If you haven't already done so, do yourself a favor and listen to what could be the best album of Mary's career.

Until, next time... Remember, All of Life is Sound. Keep Listening.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pure Inspiration

Today two songs captured my thoughts.

As I drove my daughter to school and asked what she wanted to listen to, she selected and we listened to the sound track for Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. A marvelous cinematic masterpiece from the time of my youth (with deep spiritual significance, if one decides to look carefully). The song that stuck with me for the rest of the day was/is...

Pure Imagination, by Gene Wilder

The simple uncluttered melody and "every-man charm" of Wilder's performance render's the song immediately attainable for the listener. The true triumph, however, are the lyrics. When you truly listen and allow yourself to envision yourself in the song, it takes on new meaning. This is about the possibility... or rather reality of our ability to shape our reality. This can happen personally, on a smaller scale or universally, on a much grander scale. This song is about the unseen power of manifestation. One of the keys to this manifestation is the coherence of one's thought, so the simplicity of the song is a key to understanding its hidden treasures. Take a listen, and see if it touches you in the same place (you might want to close your eyes and provide your own visuals)...

Listening to Pure Imagination over and over brought to mind another song and artist with which I only recently became acquainted.

Act I: The Pledge (Eternal Sunshine) [Full 15-Minute Version], by Jay Electronica.

I had heard about Jay Electronica off and on for a little while, but never pursued any of his music. (Maybe it just wasn't time yet.) I finally sought to listen to some of his work a couple of weeks ago and I was amazed. His thoughts, lyrics and delivery are amazing and he really inspired me. This particular song - a 15 minuet suite that tells a story and has Jay giving a few short rhymes that serve as an introduction to his person, his direction and purpose - I found (and still find) to be an excellent artistic work, lyrically, musically, and spiritually... rough edges and all. This is kind of like a modern day Pure Imagination, specifically designed for our people, with respect to where we are and where we can go. If the key to manifestation is found in Pure Imagination's thought power, then Eternal Sunshine is an example of how far and wide our thoughts can and should be, in order to escape the prison of today's commonly accepted reality. Jay's lyrics will require analysis and study, as well as his choice of samples (especially the clip of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad), which will make subsequent listenings all the more insightful. This gives me hope for the future of the culture (of Hip-Hop), our people, and of humanity at large... and serves as a personal reminder to me of the importance of my own thoughts and how they shape the manifestation of my own Universe. Take a listen for yourself...

Until next time, remember, all of life is sound - keep listening...