Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mary, Mary

This week has been busy... and throughout the entire week I have had the pleasure of spending it with Queen Mary J. Blige. This year has seen the release of two great albums from Mary, Think Like a Man Too and The London Sessions.

First up, Think Like a Man Too. This is a great album, that finds Mary mature and confident. It's a fantastically easy listen, that flows well. We are treated to a good collection of "Happy Mary", which is always a joy to behold and serves as a stable for anyone's "uplifting music diet". There's only one thing that holds this album back from being a classic. The fact that it's meant to be a soundtrack (for one of the best, funniest movies of the year, no less), but the music is not really featured in the movie (and in fact, the movie features many songs from other artists which are not on this album), makes it feel awkward. This was a real missed opportunity. Either the movie producers should have used all the songs in the movie (like Spike Lee is known to do) or Mary should have named the album differently. In my opinion, this would have served her catalog better, had it been named  Vegas Nights, Moments of Love, or The Vegas Sessions (with new cover art, of course). Still in all, this has some of Mary's best songs in years (she is indeed getting her "Diana Ross on"!) and should be on everyone's playlist. 

Stand outs:
Vegas Nights (Feat. The-Dream) - This song is the perfect going out song!
Moment of Love - The Jewel of the album. Grown-folks R&B dance music at its best.
Wonderful - If Moment of Love is the Jewel of the album, this is the Ring that holds it. Hip-Hop Mary returns, triumphantly!
Propose - This is the most loving song in the set. It's a perfect wedding song, and for anyone who has experienced true love, this song could easily play all day on repeat. It is filled with love, and fills the listener with that love.

Next we have The London Sessions. When I played this album, earlier in the week, I couldn't stop playing it! Quite simply, this is the best Mary J. Blige album since Breakthrough (and arguably period). At a lithe 12 tracks, featuring song sequencing that tells a story, she has crafted a perfect non-stop, play-every-track, keep-it-on-repeat Banger! Mary has always been known as the "Queen of Hip-Hop Soul" and with this album she stakes her claim on the territories of Dance and Pop.... all this without compromising her self or sound. This is Mary... grown up! I could easily write a play-by-play about every song, but I am committing to shorter articles (and this is already running long). So suffice it to say, this is hands down: the best the Mary has ever sounded - on ANY of her albums. The vocal performances that she records are simply classic... priceless. The songs are beautifully orchestrated and paint vibrant sonic pictures for the mind (this album will be able to take you places, mentally). The genius of this album is that its so well constructed that it will appeal to everyone who loves and appreciates great music. This is the only reason I would even consider it in the Pop arena. Mary starts off heavily in her Soul music zone... and believe me when I tell you she's in the zone! Mary turns in a few songs that are near A Capella (Not Loving You, When You're Gone, Worth My Time) with little more than piano accompaniment, that are brilliant. The album really takes off into classic territory, once she shifts gears into a form of dance music that is informed by her Hip-Hop/Soul/R&B background. This is perfectly executed music. The production of these songs perfectly match Mary, allowing her to stretch out and explore... and Master new sounds. 

Mary reminds me a great deal of the Kemetic Goddess Ma'at. Her ability to represent the balance in us through her music (happy/sad, slow/fast, rough/refined, hurt/cherished, etc.) This can be seen in her whole body of work, and with this album, she achieves perfect balance. One more thing... I'll let you in on a secret. I've figured something out: Every time Mary puts out an album that features Black and White cover art, that album is one of her watershed points, where she grows as an artist and redefines herself. With each of these, she unveils a new facet not before seen. Check it out for yourself (What's the 411?, Mary, The Breakthrough, The London Sessions). I would be remiss if I didn't point out the fact that this album features Mary sharing wisdom in her songs... making this meaningful listening, not just delicious ear-candy. And one more thing... It's ALL Mary (no other featured vocalists, no rappers with guest verses... just the goddess).

Doubt - Beautiful. The heights of Be Happy with the reflection of MJB Da MVP. This is a lesson in how and why to let go of doubt. This is a portrait of Queen Mary, once she understands herself to be that. This is a prescription for success - take two and call me in the morning.
Right Now - Hip-Hop/Dance fusion. Genius, head-bobbing music for old school and new school B-Boys & Girls! Mary rides the groove and bring it to life. Perfect for dancing and driving.
My Love - The JEWEL of this classic album (which is saying a lot!)... perfect picture of new love unfolding... not to mention this is a perfect dance track. The immediacy of Mary's delivery draws the listener in... "nobody's gonna give ya a love as good as my love!" (True indeed.) The breakdowns and crescendos are also classic (think Real Love hyped up ten times).
Take a Long Hard Look - This is another of Mary's classes. Her delivery of this idea is alone worth the price of admission. If you have ever been in a true loving long term relationship (especially marriage), you will understand the magnificence of this song. Mary sings her heart out, and channels the spirit of Aretha Franklin, in doing. Lesson: never be so quick to throw away love... it's usually an unwise move.
Nobody But You - Another song illustrating the realization love's power. The sonic experience of this song is uplifting. It's almost gospel in scope... and the soundscape is aimed squarely at the heart. You will feel this and your heart will beat in sync with the dance rhythm, and your soul will sore with Mary's vocals.

If you haven't already done so, do yourself a favor and listen to what could be the best album of Mary's career.

Until, next time... Remember, All of Life is Sound. Keep Listening.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. You have truly pricked my interest, specifically on the Mary album.

    Mary reminds me a great deal of the Kemetic Goddess Ma'at. Her ability to represent the balance in us through her music (happy/sad, slow/fast, rough/refined, hurt/cherished, etc.)

    Never thought of it that way but can see it now. I will check the London Sessions album out.
