Friday, December 26, 2014

Hatshepsut Reborn... Who is Sa-Roc?

"I'm the words you're afraid to speak; the face you're too vain to see. I am scarlet, call me crimson red; the blood of a million slaves, in every verse that I pen. I'm dark matter in a world of light weights; the future you can't fathom - your inescapable fate. I am freedom through a musical note; I am you inside of a mirror - the reflection of hope. I'm an alien; an outcast; a pillar in the land of ruin..."

"I'm Ellison and Baldwin..."

"You know the name; they call me S-A Roc. I be low ridin' them beats, like them esses rock. My intro was like a thesis, and then my essay start. Yell amandla fo Madiba down in S.A., ahk!"

Imagine, what if Rakim and MC Lyte birthed a child...  or maybe a living reincarnation of Auset or Sekhmet... how ever this beautiful Starseed has found her way to come amongst us matters not. The fact that she is here to raise the vibration and consciousness of Black people and the world's population (because as black people go, so goes the world/planet), via the most powerful and popular form of communication (Hip-Hop music), is, however, of the utmost the importance.

Nebuchadnezzar, by Sa-Roc is a wonderful masterpiece of Hip-Hop spoken literature. If you have not heard of Sa-Roc before, please do yourself a favor and look her up on her website, YouTube or iTunes. This is the latest album by the Atlanta MC, who is a masterful writer (easily one of Hip-Hops best of all time - which is not an easy task) with an acute understanding and affinity for metaphor and concept. This is merely the latest classic album delivered to us by Sa-Roc.

For those who don't know of her, I'll give a slight bit of context for this album (for those who do, please bare with me, as I'm fighting back the urge to write an entire chapter! ... remember, I'm striving to keep these short). This is music for those whose "third eye stay open, like the lid broke". Sa-Roc has been releasing albums, mixtapes and singles for years now, quietly. Each album being a lyrical and musical classic (although most have all gone under the radar of the masses who enjoy corporate *hit-hop, as they are subjects to a music industry that seeks to cement our unfortunate situation and help us kill ourselves, while we rock to the beat and they keep their hands hidden behind their backs - see Industry (End-Us-Try), from her album Journey of the Starseed), the union of Sa-Roc and her primary musical partner, Sol Messiah, are extremely reminiscent of the chemistry found between Eric B. & Rakim. The way she sinks/syncs into the tracks to become an instrument of musical intelligence implemented to spark the awareness of the listener and challenge our linear thinking is remarkable. Sa-Roc merges her vocals and inflections perfectly with each track, and with lyrics like ,"I'mma take 5, and finish this 16. Grap some 7s for a build, while you finish your 15, 'cause you can't walk a mile in my 5411s (mint green). I'm forming cyphers round the perimeter - 360," it's hard to miss the lyrical lineage.

Nebuchadnezzar, Sa-Roc

This album is designed as "the Nebuchadnezzar, the sleeping giant, the saviour of the Universe," a vehicle/ship (the ship is our collective relationship) to bring our people out of the sleep induced mental death and slavery that is today's "reality" for most people (just as the Nebuchadnezzar in the film The Matrix served that same purpose). There are many wonderful sounds, themes and songs filling this classic 2014 release. Hard. Soft. Intricate. Bold. Supple. Sublime. Conscious. Straight forward. Metaphoric. Meteoric. Terrestrial. Celestial. Sa-Roc is all of the above. Nebuchadnezzar showcases all of these aspects of the goddess. It's got strong menacing tracks, where she rips through opponents, like the Sekhmet, Eye of Ra (Maximum Frquency), along with soft songs set to cause the listener to explore their inner power (We Can All Fly), the importance of our children being born as this new generation (Indigo Child), and the condition of our current situation and how to get out (Nebuchadnezzar). There are also grooves to dance to that paint visions of the redemption of our image as portrayed by the dominant society (Lost Sunz), the origin of man on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe (H.A.R.D.), and spectacular tracks with guest appearances by Wise Intelligent, David Banner and more. This is the album of 2014. If you don't have it, get it.

Standouts (5 Jewels):
Maximum Frequency - This song is a crystal clear illustration of Sa-Roc's prowess as a battle rhymer. From the top of the track, she delivers a classic intro, "I am not here to play with your feelings or save your career..." it is clear that you are listening to a pro. By the time she lets you know, "I will straight chalk outline you", you are already hers. The Busta Rhymes sample employed for the hook is classic Hip-Hop, and Sa-Roc lives up to every line.

Lost Sunz - This was my first introduction to Sa-Roc and I think it is a fitting first impression. The soft acoustic guitar at the opening leads into a love song of sorts. This extremely danceable track is offered as a redemption song, re-envisioning our people as having value. This is an anthem for the unrecognized beautiful Black people.

We Can All Fly - As supreme as she is on rough rolling music, Sa-Roc's true shining talent is her delivery on tracks that offer a softer, more accessible sound. This song has a soft and lilting soundscape, while exploring deep issues that trap our minds into this earthly "reality".

Indigo Child - This light, bouncy track is dedicated to the beautiful children that are being born now. This is not only one of the best songs of the album, it qualifies as one of the year's best songs. This song gives the feel of new hope, with fresh lively lyrics. It's an instant classic.

H.A.R.D. - Probably the best song on the album (which is not an easy task). This song combines both hard and soft sounds in delivering poetic prose which is centered around the beginnings and essence of life and the Universe. This is a lesson, both in rhyme skills and esoteric science.

If this is your first time learning about Sa-Roc, you're in for a great time. She has a tremendous presence on YouTube, so here are a few of the standout tracks from Nebuchadnezzar.

Maximum Frequency, by Sa-Roc (Official Video)

Lost Sunz, by Sa-Roc (Official Video)

The Who?, by Sa-Roc (featuring David Banner) (Official Video)

Until next time, remember, All of Life is Sound... Keep Listening.

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