Friday, February 6, 2015

The Return of Christ Energy

As 2014 came to a close, we were quietly given a masterpiece to take with us into 2015 and help lead the path into the future... D'Angelo has given us an album of sublime excellence; an album that represents and illustrates the Return of Christ Consciousness. Black Messiah.

When I first listened to Black Messiah, I wasn't sure what to make of it. I had high hopes... expectations... for the long awaited return of D'Angelo to studio recording. I was looking forward to hearing another Brown Sugar... a reinvention of soul music - a new standard. What he delivered was something else... something greater. This is an album for the subconscious. Sublime. Soul Food.

On my first listen, I didn't make it all the way through, because I was distracted by the fact that D'Angelo's voice is hidden beneath the music, for just about the entire album. Something stuck in my brain, however and compelled me to take another listen. Upon my second listen, I was able to appreciate the superb musical arrangements and masterful instrumentation. I wasn't yet convinced (consciously). I recognized that the music was fantastic, but I regret that he chose to keep his voice hidden. Still something kept playing in my mind... Ain't That Easy is stuck in my forward consciousness, so I listen to it once more. It is with the third listen that I began to understand the masterfulness of this work.

This album is not made for our conscious mind, but for our subconscious. This is communication at a higher level, designed to speak to, and activate, our higher self - the Christ Consciousness. This is the Black Messiah. This was revealed to me, as I realized that D'Angelo was using his voice as another musical instrument. By giving his primary instrument a position among the rest of the band, this allowed for a subtlety of communication - energy transfer - to take place, without being hindered by the conscious thought brought about by hearing lyrics of a song. Black Messiah is a beautiful and perfect album, when understood and experienced in this light. It tells the story of our people, while simultaneously speaking to each listener on an individual level. Just as millions of people have waiting (and are still waiting) for the return of the Black Messiah (Jesus the Christ), this album brings the listener into the awareness that the return of Christ is a return to Christ Consciousness. The Saviour is each of us - saving our selves and each other. This is evidenced by the placement of songs, melodies, lyrics (which can be readily understood and which are hidden or obscured), vocals and instrumentals, to invoke specific feelings and thoughts which serve to connect us to specific events and principles of nature. The understanding of prophecy is evident throughout the master work, as well. 

Without being too long-winded, I'll give a quick synopsis of the album (which is best enjoyed as a continuous listen). Think of this entire album as a continuous message from our Higher Self (Collective Consciousness) to our conscious minds, as we experience this level of reality.

... And Higher Self says to us, "You can't leave me, it Ain't That Easy. You will endure what will feel like 1,000 Deaths and then loose your self identity and exist in The Charade fashioned by your enemy. He will play Sugah Daddy, but you will remember that  I AM Really Love. You will then begin to make your way Back to the Future (Part I), as you realize you must reconnect to your past to ascend to your full potential. You have to pursue this goal Till It's Done  (Tutu), which will take Prayer , meditation and perseverance. Do not Betray My Heart, lose focus, or lock yourself out The Door of our elevation. Return Back to the Future for (Part II) of your greatness, so we may begin  Another Life."

This can be seen as the story of Black People, as we have journeyed through the last few thousand years, or as each of us in an individual progression of growth, as we learn and grow toward our divinity. We are the messiah for which we have waited... we are awakening to our past, present and future. We are all connected and it is time for us to elevate into another expression of reality. Those of us that wake up first are charged with the duty of waking up others. 1,000 thanks to D'Angelo for helping to wake us up.

Standouts (This was VERY Hard to do, as every track is stellar):
Ain't That Easy - The opening song for this timeless set of music is wonderfully infectious. With a groovy soul strut, the music rocks you with a familiarity that recalls your mother's arms, or the embrace of your true love. D'Angelo's vocals play hide and seek with the rest of the instrumentation for much of the song, however there are important places where his singing takes the spotlight, and he grabs hold of you (and you won't want him to let go). This music - this song - is ripe with memories of the fondest things in fact, Life Itself! This brings forward thoughts of the things in life without which you truly cannot live. In fact, in a rare instance of vocal clarity, one of the most important lyrics is delivered when D'Angelo delivers the sage advice, "You won't believe all the things you have to sacrifice, just to get peace of mind. Yet you take what they give, as if it did suffice.Still, it's just a waist of time." Lesson: that which is most precious in life, is that without which we cannot (and will not) do. This song can easily stay on repeat in your brain (and you won't be upset about it, either). Classic.

Really Love - This song begins softly, with a peek into an intimate setting, presumably between lovers. It eases the listener into the pocket of its space and time, like a perfect dream. This is one of the standouts of the album, as it perfectly captures the delicate feeling of love (as illustrated by the vocals), along with the rhythmic nature of love's momentum. Once we begin loving (or rather realize we have begun to love) the continuous swelling of life's experience with this other individual is much like a dance. The Vanguard perfectly captures the essence of this dance. The same is true when the love we realize extends to any other aspect of life.

Another Life - The Jewel of the album. Hands down. This is the most beautiful song D'Angelo's ever composed. This is what it's all about. Another life. A new start. A new life, with love. The piano work in this piece is magnificent, as it takes precedence, leading the band into a bright future. This song will stimulate your thoughts of whatever perfection looks and feels like in your mind. Just like perfection, Another Life doesn't feel like a destination - it's more like another level, or quality, of life. The song has this soothing effect, that keeps one looking forward. The absolute best comes toward the end, where D'Angelo's vocals take over in a multi-layered expression of love and wordless emotion the likes of which have not been witnessed since Marvin Gaye. This song is therapy, for life today to inspire us to reach for our perfect life tomorrow... and make that tomorrow be our today.


So, if you haven't taken the opportunity to listen to this album (or only made it through one listen, or less), I recommend that you take the time to listen again... and again. You will certainly be rewarded.

And, as always, remember... All of Life is Sound; Keep Listening...

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