Sunday, January 8, 2012


I've been contemplating what would be the first song that I would write about. As I had been planning to start this blog, visions of songs and artists swirled about my head. Miles Davis... Sade... Public Enemy... Mary J. Blige... Kool and the Gang... Frank Sinatra... Then I had the idea to write about whatever song really struck me for each day.

So what happened today? I was struck by a powerhouse song that just stayed in my head all day. "What was the song?" you ask. "Countdown" by Beyoncé. Now, I never would've guessed that this would by my topic, much less my first song to write about, however it struck me and grabbed hold all day.

Countdown is a great song. It's actually like three songs in one. Beyoncé is an undeniable talent, and I hardly think that anyone would disagree. On this song, she begins with a slight vocal warm up, before being joined by what seems to be a marching band in the background. This song is perfectly made for a marching band. I could see it being easily incorporated into any half-time playlist at a college football game (especially at an HBCU). In fact, in the video for this song  she actually has a drum line playing. Come to think of it, the video is a visually pleasurable ride, too.

What is it about this song that makes it so sticky to the brain? Well, there's three main ingredients: 1) The actual countdown itself; a modified sample from Boyz II Men's "Uhh Ahh". 2) The "ever-lasting love" quality of the lyrics ("...still the one I need, I will always be with you...") and the unabashed confidence in said love ("If you leave me, you outta your mind!"). 3) The peaking out of explicit love, peering through all the sentimental love lyrics (..."grind the pony, girl...") is also another gripping reality of the strong, full-figured love that is being expressed so fervently.

Alright, so let's talk about that countdown. Without a doubt, this is the centerpiece of the song. When I heard it the first time, I flipped! The brief sampled duet with Boyz II Men was really ingenious and the lyrics themselves are very clever. This is a great example of a catchy hook that someone would memorize easily -- even involuntarily. She's bragging... and this is something the listener can gladly participate in, reflecting the sentiments to their own loved one. It's simple. It's effective. As a song element, it works perfectly, and as an expression of gratitude, it works excellently, as well. This is a song that can be easily dedicated on the radio... and is actually a great anniversary song.

Next, the lyrical content. As was mentioned before, Beyoncé is bragging in this song... however, there's something else. The delivery is more thankful. She is primarily talking to the listener, however seemingly slips into flashbacks, from time to time. It's really fun to listen to any woman really in love speak about her man. Multiply that by ten, when it's Beyoncé. "Dedicated to the one I love... still the one I need... don't ever let me go... made me feel so lucky... still love the way he talks, still love the way I sang..." all of these are examples of the experience of love, rather than simply the idea of it. The song's lyrics are sung with such a fervent genuine spirit that Beyoncé makes it a gift to the listener -- to be wielded and applied at your own discretion. It sounds completely for real. It could be her own happiness within the context of her marriage to Hip-Hop superstar Jay-Z... maybe, although that's really irrelevant. The love, and it's the eternal, indestructible nature of love that is the star of the show. It's personal to her... however, it's beyond that... if you really listen, and you've experienced it yourself... it becomes personal to you. And, to punctuate the whole thing... the cherry-on-top... "if you leave me, you outta your mind!" On the one hand, that may seem a bit conceited, however, on the other hand, it's a fact. Any time there is a pure expression of love, that is strong, blissful and grateful, one would be "outta your mind" to leave it. Because of love being the cornerstone of our human experience, to leave it, at its apex no less, is the height of foolishness. With this in mind, we can see that it's not "me" (Beyoncé) being spoken about... it's the experience of love... being in love, to the point of taking it on and identifying oneself with it. So, yes, in fact, "if  you leave me, you outta your mind!"

Finally, there is the slight nod to the reality of the bedroom aspect of love and marriage. It's cute. It inspires a knowing smirk... especially for someone who's experienced this long term commitment of love with the fresh newness of bedroom activity... "grind the pony, girl!" Indeed. What makes this stand out is that it happens in the midst of all of this other happy accounting of the precious assets of long term love. Beyoncé even references that it's been 10 years ("... all that gossiping, 10 years, stop it!"). That is an inspiration to married people the world over (or, at least, it can be). Something else that stands out is that is not the focus of the song. It's a punctuation. The punctuation of a sentence overfilled with facts of the benefits of love and devotion. Now, that's a great song... in only three and a half minutes.

With all of this being said, let's also remember what may very well be the most important aspect of things, to some people... it's a fun song, you can dance to it... and it sticks in your head. I don't think it's the best song on the album (that distinction goes to "Love On Top"), nor is it the best this year (that award goes to "Move You Body")... however, it is extremely bright and effective. So, I guess that makes it a fitting first review of The Soundtrack to Life...

When you have some time, check it out. Listen to it (or watch it) and see if you can connect with that same experience... and enjoy!

Countdown (Offical Video)

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