Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Red Solo Cup

In our last blog session, we established that Love and Loss are the two things that all people have in common... well, as Prince once said, "... there's something else..." the Party! 

In the spirit of that fact, today's topic is Toby Keith's Red Solo Cup.

Let me start by saying that Country music has long been known for it's adaptable nature... meaning, Country music songs can be written about any subject. That being said, I didn't see this coming At All! In fact, when I first saw the title, before actually hearing it, I thought "Red Solo Cup? What the hell is that about?" It didn't compute. I was therefore skeptical, to say the least. However, once I heard it, I loved it! This song is super sticky! It stays in your brain and won't go away... I mean for days and days!

This song is more than just a party song. It is the party! It's very simple in it's musical soundscape, with banjos and guitars strumming in the background. It sound's completely organic and unplugged. It sounds like something Toby and his boys came up with on the fly at a house party! The best part about it is that was the point!

This song is like a time machine! One listen transports anyone who's attended a house party or block party or bachelor party or... well, just about any party in the United States... right back to that experience. No matter what your experience was, this flashback will take you there just so you can see only the best parts... the fun parts! This is a really fun and funny song. From Toby's slurred, just-above-drunk delivery, to the sing-a-long chorus, to the miscellaneous conversation in the background, to the "Solo cup!" exclamations at the end, this song keeps you smiling.

Not since Run-DMC's My Adidas has a song been so perfectly tuned and ready for marketing and promotion! Toby begins the song by saying, "Now a red solo cup is the best receptacle for barbeques, tailgates, fairs and festivals," and continues to extol the virtues of this simple party staple. As he goes down his list, you can't help but to nod your head to the checklist. It is also very evident that he and his crew had a great time recording this gem. Fun is infectious. Everybody wants to have it. Everyone wants to be around it. This fun is totally magnetic and attracts all who listen to it. It is a Country song, however its powers of attraction reach far outside the bounds of the back 40. It's a completely illustrative song on it's own, however when coupled with the video, it works perfectly, speaking to all classes of Americans... whoever's been to a party... "Let's have a party! Let's have a party!"

And by the way, I don't know if they'll do it, however the Solo Cup company should be talking with Toby Keith right now! This is money in the bank! It's a ready made marketing campaign... with a great jingle and a remarkably catchy slogan: "Proceed to Party!"

Now whether your a heavy, casual, or non-drinker... whatever you choose to fill up your red solo cup with... I highly recommend this song... not only to reconnect you with fond memories, but it can help to drive away the blues!

Red Solo Cup (Official Video, Unedited Version, on youtube) 


  1. One of my favorite country songs right now!
    Anyone who is even remotely familiar with a backyard barbecue,
    An outdoor family reunion, or a muggy hot college
    house party can relate.
    Good pic to review K-H to the E to the N!!!

    1. Thanks, Tyra!

      Yes... this is a great (even transcendent) song. Not just for a country song... just period.

      Thanks for reading & stay tuned!
