Saturday, January 7, 2012

In the beginning...

All things begin small. They start as an invisible, almost imperceptible, thought and evolve to manifest as full-blown recognizable aspects of reality. So too, is the birth of this weblog, "The Soundtrack to Life." This is the humble beginning of a blog that will ultimately effect the entire populace of the planet... ultimately (however, first things first; one step at a time).

For years... as long as I can remember, come to think of it... I've always moved about with a daily soundtrack. That fact has been mentioned to me and joked about by my friends, family members and loved ones, many times. I'm quite sure there are others out there, like me. When I wake up, I turn on music. When I get in the car, I plug up the iPod just as soon as I turn the key in the ignition. When I'm working, I'm working to music... no matter what kind of work. At home there's music, at duty there's music, at school there's music, at gigs there's definitely music. When my children were being born, there was music. On the most recent birth, the doctor was so inspired by the selection, he went out and bought an mp3 player and asked me to load it with my playlist that he heard. And that's the whole point of this blog...

We all are effected by music. Constantly. In fact, there is no where one can go without hearing it and being effected by it. Of course, there's the obvious forms, like what we choose to play on the iPod, stereo, radio, turntable, computer, etc. Then you have secondhand music -- everyone's favorite -- like the music pumping out of the car driving ever-too-slow down the street (3 blocks away, sometimes), or the slow jams being played by your next door neighbor, or your roommate, when they're about to make out (which always happens when you're inevitably alone). There's the song's that your loved ones faithfully butcher the words to (instead of just humming, in a most considerate fashion) and also the songs innocently translated into the universal toddler language, by our children. We also experience the invisible music of vibration. Everything in the Universe that is alive, vibrates and emits a "musical" frequency of its own (that's a topic all on it's own). 

We are completely surrounded by, and immersed in, music of all kinds. The purpose of this blog is to bring to the collective attention of the readers various incarnations of music, on a daily basis (or as close as I can get to it). This is one small way of helping to adjust the course of human existence on this planet, a little at a time. (Wow... ok, yeah, that was a bit heavy...) Alright, let's just say, this blog will be a place where you can come and read about the effect of music on one man on the planet and translate that experience into a positive one of your own -- and possibly be inspired to explore some music, yourself.

By doing this, I'll be helping to positively adjust the vibrations of the planet... one step at a time, one beat... one note... starting off the rest of the Universe.

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