Friday, January 27, 2012

Mary's Happy Life... (25/8 / Don't Mind / One Life)

I know, it's been a while... too long, if you ask me! I've been taking care of some business in other areas of life, however, now it's time to get back to the music!

Today, we're going to take a look at Mary J. Blige's latest album, My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1) Deluxe Edition.

First of all, why do people love Mary J. Blige? What is it about her? There must be something, because she's been making top quality music for the last twenty years... this is her tenth studio album! That's a lot of music, and a solid career in a market known for eating up, swallowing, spitting out, and forgetting its artists. However people love Mary. She's an icon. Why? Well, quite simply, she is the new American Cinderella. She's the underdog that we all identify with. Her story is familiar enough with most people around the world, because (sadly) most people around the world are the underdogs... Public Enemy was right when they shared, "Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude."  The best thing about Mary, however, is that she rarely dwells on the surroundings from which she comes. They serve as backdrops and reasons for songs about a better life.

Mary sings... no... more than that... she translates the experience of wanting a better life, needing a better life, deserving a better life into vocal performances that touch the heart and soul of the listener. At times raw and a bit unrefined, at times straight out of the gospel choir, and then sometimes superbly polished, she brings a quality of honesty and true charisma to her music unseen in many years. She is the Aretha Franklin for the Hip-Hop generation. Mary's musical journey began with an instant classic, perfecting the merger between R&B and Hip-Hop in a sound which would become known as Hip-Hop Soul (and later swell to the point of being the leading sound of all of R&B's various incarnations). That album was What's the 411? Her next album would be even greater, still. Some would even argue that it is her masterpiece -- My Life.  In this album, her style was truly honed and developed... and so, too was the modus operandi of MJB. Mary sings about her life... our life... life. And we listen.

In her original classic, My Life, Mary sang about the need to be happy. Relationships were the main staple of the album's material, however it's heart and crowning glory (My Life and Be Happy, respectively) focused on Mary's inner struggle for balance. In the queen's newest installment, My Life II... The Journey Continues (Act 1), Mary continues to walk us through her life. The terrific thing about Mary (and subsequently, the product or brand, Mary J. Blige) is that she grows. As a person and an artist, she constantly is growing, developing and evolving. To continue her journey, she returns to the "My Life" theme. The result is one of Mary's best produced, strongest sung, and lushly translated expressions of modern life. In short, this is amung her best efforts, thus far (slugging it out with My Life and The Breakthrough for the number one slot in the Mary J. discography). 

There are a lot of special featured guests on this album (unlike the original ML), which plays like a showing of close friends who've come into your life, at a special birthday party, instead of what it could've been... (a desperate attempt at relevance by an old artist, who's best days as a soloist are behind them). We can see, hear and feel Mary's growth... even in the material. And let me say this right now, if you want the full experience of this album, it is a must that you listen to the Deluxe Edition. With a full five songs (no remixes) added to the main album, this version of the album completely captures the essence and spirit of the new level of life Mary is singing about. 

Now, Mary is known for her sad songs. Whether the songs are outright bluesy, pensive head-nodders, slow dance anthems, or dance floor burners, the vast majority of her songs are about life's more tragic side and the struggle to make it to the other side. On this album (just as on The Breakthrough), Mary is happy! Don't get me wrong, that's not to say that there's no songs for the lonely or brokenhearted, quite to the contrary. The album is well balanced, in regards to songs about "functional" and "dysfunctional" relationships... love gone right and wrong is featured on this album. However, underneath it all, the happiness of Mary, the person, shines through, even when the songs are about breaking up (Feel Inside, Why and Get It Right). There are plenty of standout tracks and this is a fun listen, from the front to the back. This is an album you can listen to all the way through and then want to play it again... and actually listen (not just for the sake of background music).

That said, there are three tracks that stand out as the crown jewels of this tapestry of modern life. 25/8, Don't Mind and One Life are the embodiment of this album's core. All three explore aspects of life, love and happiness and Mary is powerful and piercing on each selection.

25/8. This song is the heart of the album - undoubtedly. With the organic soul musicality of the song's soundscape, this song sounds gigantic! And this is fitting, because the idea of the song is an epic love that's wider than all of the outdoors. "I've got days and days of love for you, boy... 24/7 ain't enough... I need another hour and a day, so I can love you 25/8," roars Mary on the hook. This is a song for lovers! Not just people who have sex a lot. Lovers. Those who experience the truly uplifting effects of love, at it's essence, on a continuous basis... this jam is for you! And if you're not sure if you're qualified to be in this highly coveted group, the song gives a blueprint. This is for love that lasts, not new love. It's inspiring for anyone who has any inclination to love. The sweeping sound easily sweeps the most cynical critics of modern day love songs off their feet. "I love the way you make me smile when things ain't goin' right..." I couldn't have said it better.

Don't Mind. This song follows 25/8 and slips in quietly, like a soft breeze through the window. This is the future of Mary J. If the previous song is the heart of the album, this song is the soul of the album. Maybe even the best song (arguably). The sound is new and futuristic - a stark contrast from the previous track. Mary paints a portrait of an elegant night life, vibrant overlooks of seaside vistas, or a private dance floor for lovers on an anniversary date, two stepping the night away. It's warm and comfortable, while at the same time cool and calculated, with its snapping snares and staccato synthesizer riffs. Mary is happy here, too, although it's a different portrait. This is primarily about the ups and downs of a strong relationship. Because nothing is worth giving up a love that "would take a life time" to create,  so tonight, "I'm gon' try whatever you wanna do... ". The overriding spirit of riding the waves of life and staying on top together has Mary delivering some of her best work in years. Her voice is strong, yet controlled. She sounds supple and submissive. This is the song of a wife in a happy marriage. In the beginning, Mary was looking for a Real Love, and now she's got it. This song is the sonic realization that there is no argument that should ever cause us to stop loving one another... "and that's why I don't mind sayin' I love you." Go 'head Mary.

One Life. Once you make it into bonus track territory, it becomes clear very early that this is clearly the after party! None of these are throw away tracks. Of all these, One Life stands supreme. This is fitting to be on My Life II, because it is a perfect sequel to Be Happy. Where the previous two songs are the heart and soul of the album, this is its aura! It's bold and bright. This is Mary singing about the happiness of life, itself! This is what she was looking for on Be Happy, and now she's got it - in spades! She's gotten so much in the rhythm of happiness, she invites everyone else to experience it too. The track moves quick and bouncy. It's a perfect dance floor, club, or workout anthem. I don't know if it will be marketed as such, however, this song is a winner! It is this song that single-handedly proves what Mary shares with Puff in the album's intro, "It's not a competitor. It's a sequel and an extension..." True. Mary hasn't gone and tried to recreate My Life from 1994, this is a picture of life in 2011/2012. Things are truly different, and she's enjoying much more control and confidence and it shows ("I mind my own business. Damn what you think!"). "I only got one life, I won't let it pass me by!" This is the message of the song... and indeed the album, itself. This is a solid 21st century anthem! As she invites everyone to  do the same, it becomes quite clear that life can, and should, be a celebration... and Mary J. Blige is definitely one of the best people you can bring to the party.

So, check out this album (Deluxe Edition preferably), if you haven't already, and you'll get to experience the fun in life's ups and downs, as well as the happiness that love brings, when it becomes your foundation. This is most certainly a high definition ride through life in the 21st century, and well worth the time spent listening (and guaranteed to produce some in-the-head repeat play action)!


  1. I really enjoyed this. The voice this was written is informative and knowledgeable. I look forward to checking her new album out. If you are indeed right, it will be some of my new workout music. Thanks!

  2. Thank you, Robyn.

    Check it out... I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's not a straight play, for workout purposes, however it's definitely playlist ready.

    Thanks for reading & stay tuned.
